Sunday, January 21, 2007

oh, little girl

you`re just a little girl.
Dear Jesus,
I would like to have a sweetheart now.
But You said, "not yet."
Will You let me be o.k. with that?
P.S. If you put on some slacks, I`ll wear a dress and we can go to the art museum for free on Sundays.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

me either.

"I no longer feel the awkward obligation to fill silent spaces with mindless self-centered chatter."

Monday, January 8, 2007

my dewey-eyed disney bride, what has tried

I would like to make a conscious effort to maintain ties with Florida this time around.
In other words, I fashioned a bird out of fabric, cotton balls, embroidery floss, staples, a needle, and a feather. I think she will be called Life.
Refill, please, Jesus.

Monday, January 1, 2007

i`ll teach you how to swim...

1. Read fifty-two books.