Monday, November 10, 2014

On Loneliness and Others

I am not certain the last time I prayed. Except for yesterday, walking around the reservoir, dusty and hot, when I decided to talk.
I am quick to forget that mostly a prayer is a conversation. Yesterday was fairly one-sided, but I was speaking of others, so maybe that makes it more appropriate?

I think of many people on a daily basis, but only recently started making a focused effort on championing for their cause in the hopes that they are able to live into their truest selves. (what?) Don't worry, I still think of and about myself very much, but it's a good change of pace for my (mostly) selfish heart.

And how often I forget that I am not the only one trying my hardest on this earth!

Here is truth: I am terrified of being out of control. As of late, certain events surrounding my life and the lives of others have been wild in not always good ways. I wish so fervently to have these loose ends tied, stories packaged and wrapped, ready for the "grand reveal." (Please note, I do not know what the "grand reveal" is, only that I feel some sort of pressure to makes sure that things are ready when I do find out what it is.)

Here's to hope, grace & creating a heart that beats for more than just yours truly.

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