Sunday, November 11, 2007

i am a child in these hills.

I think I would like to join a house church.
I think we need more "hey, Dad," prayers, sloppiness and true community, tears, rejoicing with the rejoicers, and fracturing with the broken. We ought to break bread together &linger over fellowship longer. I should walk more slowly, talk more gently, &love more strongly. It appears that the Lord is more interested in the marginalized outskirted pocket pigeons of society, than the popular, unblemished lambs. I am one of those pigeons, you know. Perhaps we all are. What if we are just sposed to flock together, care for one another, and line our nests with feathers &soft things?
How good and pleasing it is when brothers &sisters dwell together in unity!


Jenelle said...

indeed, child. It was a treat to sit on a bench and drink warm beverages with you tonight.

pearl said...

like precious oil running down.

yes, friday at 3ish pacific standard time. i'd like that very much.

Anonymous said...

Besides the Jackson Browne lyrics that come to mind...

"I am a child in these hills
I am away
I am alone
I am a child in these hills
And looking for water
And looking for life

Who will show me the river and ask my name?
Is there nobody here who'll do that?"

... my thoughts are yes and amen. We should build simple communities and offer each other a soft landing.

d.l.s. said...

Would you like to live in a painted lady with me?